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Is Revolution Models an agency?

Models are not found by Revolution Models, as we are not an agency. To break into the modeling industry, we help aspiring models take the first few steps and prepare them to approach the right agencies.

Do I need a portfolio to model?

Portfolios are essential for success. This is your resume. It is important to have a modeling portfolio in order to show your ability and versatility to all clientele. Clients will hire you based on your modeling portfolio, so the better your portfolio, the higher your chances of getting signed with an agency.

Will there be a cost for a portfolio?

There will be a fee for each model's portfolio. In addition to investing in and building portfolios for their models, top fashion agencies will take a large portion of their first pay. Not every model is lucky enough to sign with a top fashion agency because they have very strict criteria.

Do I need professional images to approach agencies?

In order to market yourself as a model, you'll always need professional images, but some agencies and companies will also request natural images.

Who owns Revolution Models?

Revolution Models is owned by The Photo Studio Group Atlanta LLC.

Do model agencies guarantee work?

There is no guarantee of work from an agency. While they can market you and represent you, the creative decision-makers are ultimately responsible for choosing what model they want to work with, and they do that by looking at your portfolio.

How long would it take for me to get jobs?

Again, it depends on the client. Many models start picking up jobs as soon as they sign up until 3 months later. It also depends on new trends, fashions, and companies. Effort also plays a big role. Be persistent, motivated, and committed. Getting your first casting can take months if you are persistent.

Will I get paid?

Model rates vary greatly from job to job. With an agency, you should understand all rates and the percentage your agent will take. Casting websites and freelance websites always advertise the rates so you can choose what suits you. It may sometimes be worth going for low paid or even unpaid jobs to build up your experience and portfolio.

Do I have to travel?

As a model, you might have to travel depending on where you attend castings and shoots. Travel arrangements are usually handled by your agent.

Would modeling affect my studies?

Castings and shoots are up to you; agencies will represent you and find you work. You shouldn't be afraid to say no. Your agency will be aware of your full-time studies and will only contact you at weekends and holidays.

Can I join more than one agency?

The majority of models within the industry do not have exclusive contracts - they work as freelancers. As a result, they can work with multiple agencies.

What shape or size do I have to be?

It's no longer necessary to be a size zero to be successful in the model industry. Several top designers no longer allow size zero models to appear in catwalk shows these days. A realistic approach and the right portfolio style are essential to finding the right agencies.

Is a tattoo acceptable in the modeling industry?

There was a time when tattoos were unaccepted in the industry, but now, depending on their size and location, they are more widely accepted. Advertising companies realize that their target market wants to view models with tattoos as well as have some form of body ink.