There are many different avenues of modeling that suit different people, but certain key factors are sought after in models regardless of where you are from or what your look is like.
Portfolios that highlight your best features are one of the most important assets you can possess. Often, this is all companies see before deciding who to meet in person, so it can’t be overstated how important it is.
Models of all kinds, from Classic models to Catalogue models, have never been more abundant. As a result, models have a lot more chances to get work and they all normally have a different style and approach, so as one door closes another opens, so there is a lot more opportunity for models to find jobs.
The guidance you receive from Revolution Models in this area is paramount, as it will help you understand which of these niches to explore based on your potential in those areas, giving you the best chance of success in your business.
You shouldn’t think that looks are everything when it comes to getting hired.
During a shoot, you will be working with stylists, producers, photographers, and many other people, so being easygoing is a huge advantage. When it’s a dead-heat between two candidates, personality plays a crucial role.